Sunday, May 28, 2006

Its Cricket Again
The Indians are back again after a temporary break , and now taking on the not so mighty WestIndies. They landed in carribean islands , But ,just as you thought the series will be rollercoaster ride for Indians, after a certain amount of games ,you see something different. The not so mighty WestIndies win the series quite comprehensively.
Well ,well that's cricket for you the game of glorious uncertainties. !!!
The Indians as usual , remain unpredictable ,and their series of recent one day tournaments wins have finally come to a halt. So, the debate continues , is the Indian team peaked too early?, can they win the world cup?. You never know, suddenly you find the westindies in contention as well .
The westIndies played brilliantly , challenged the Indians in all aspects and came truimph.Well done Brain Lara and well done WestIndies .

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Reservations in Educational Institutions

The reservation issue continues to remain the main headlines in India , with the government doing nothing about it substantially. Agreed, that the OBC , SC/ST students are meritorious , they can compete with the forward caste , but then just on the basis that the the OBC's, SC/ST''s are underprevilaged do not have sufficient income cannot be the reason for reserving some amount of seats to them.This view point is absurd and incorrect.Arent there lower income groups among the forward caste.What will the governemnt do for them?.
The point is abolish the reservation system in India. It hasn't worked for 50 years and will not do so for another 50 years.My opinion is to identify people who are meritorious in school , especially people from lower income group,provide them the monetary support ,if needed, let there talent take them to higher learning.
If government is serious it has to sponsor more no of meritorious students than say a handful of them.I agree it was not possible before because of lack of fund ,but now where India is growing at rapid pace, the funding should not be a problem,with India 's foriegn exchange reserves touching a new high.

The minsiters should stop playing poliitics and act with all seriousness.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Well this is a short poem .Just a thought :-)

Mornings are bright and sunny,
with freshness of air all the way,
Well, as evenings end,
the freshness disappears
taking the bright and sunny all the way!!