Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sampras Vs Federer

There is still a lot of debate on who is the greatest is it Sampras ,or the current world champion Federer.

Sampras during his days had strong rivalry players like Agassi, Ivansevic,Edberg,Becker,Chang to name a few;but Federer does not have that kind of competition which sampras faced.Only stiff challenge that federer has got till now is from current french champion Nadal.

So the recently concluded Pete Sampras vs Roger Federer exhibition matches was a keen interest to all tennis followers.Well, i was unable to see any of those matches , but predicted Federer winning all the matches against Sampras ; that did not happen ,it was really suprising and happy to see Pete getting one back by winning the last of the three exhibition matches.

This shows that Federer been in his prime is still the best but Sampras who has passed his prime is still a player that can challenge the top seed players.