Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sampras Vs Federer

There is still a lot of debate on who is the greatest is it Sampras ,or the current world champion Federer.

Sampras during his days had strong rivalry players like Agassi, Ivansevic,Edberg,Becker,Chang to name a few;but Federer does not have that kind of competition which sampras faced.Only stiff challenge that federer has got till now is from current french champion Nadal.

So the recently concluded Pete Sampras vs Roger Federer exhibition matches was a keen interest to all tennis followers.Well, i was unable to see any of those matches , but predicted Federer winning all the matches against Sampras ; that did not happen ,it was really suprising and happy to see Pete getting one back by winning the last of the three exhibition matches.

This shows that Federer been in his prime is still the best but Sampras who has passed his prime is still a player that can challenge the top seed players.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rama Sethu Controversy

Well it 's unfortunate that we are living in India where Lord Rama was born and were the majority of Indians who worship Lord Rama from time memorial have an irrational government at the centre to say the least.

The athetist type attitude of government by denying the existence of Rama in the affidavit has no business to rule and must apologize immediately.

There are 1000's of temples in India dating 1000's of years having Rama as an deity , many people all over the world chant Lord Rama's name from time memorial . Many evidences are also found that the Lord Rama and other god's idols were found in other countries such as Russia,Malaysia etc and Rama Rajya used to exists and was far reaching .Ancient Scriptures such as Valmiki Ramayana , Ramcharitmanas and other religious scripts of Lord Rama have been there for 1000 's of years; and, now the latest discovery of NASA proving beyond doubt the existence of Rama's bridge.

Aren't this enough? Aren't all these facts. The ASI believes history is only upto 200 or odd years old, what a narrow minded understanding.

I am sure that some unknown hand has deliberately played on the faiths of millions of Hindus by resorting to this indecent remarks.

Whatever happens however one may go against the truth , but still the truth prevails.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Happy Janmashtami


Sree krishna govinda hare murare hai nath narayan Vasudeva.

Today is Janmashtami,birth of Lord Krishna.Sree Krishna was a god incarnate .
He played multiple roles in his lifetime he was a Yogi, a king, a politician, a soldier, a musician , a wrestler,a Guru etc...In all the fields, he remained calm ,happy , non attachment and in his ever blissful state.

Sree krishna is also revered as a World teacher
Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum

Finally one of the verses from Madhurashtakam describing Krishna in total

Adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram
Nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram
Hridayam madhuram gamanam madhuram
Madhuraadipate rakhilam madhuram.

Happy Krishna Jayanthi!!


Sunday, September 02, 2007

An small adventure while travelling to office.

Well well i am back after a very very long break... the last post was about India's world cup.

Well times have changed and i have settled with my office- home routine , daily life has become monotonous with home-office-home syndrome.

My office is nearly 50kms from my home , so travelling takes a lot of time daily , it is like an adventure almost daily.

In India, especially my hometown the transport system is better than other parts of India , since it been a metro city, so a direct train is a boon for travelling to and fro daily i.e on weekdays.

Now in case u miss the train then either u have to wait for next direct train which comes only after 1 hr or take 2 journeys one by train and other by bus to reach the destination.

One day i had missed the direct train , so as usual instead of waiting for one hour, boarded the train reached the intermediate place , then boarded the bus , so while travelling on the bus , there was a heavy traffic jam, with no movement seen of vehicles , i along with of of my two collegues got down.

Now the scene is u r in the middle of the highway with heavy traffic jam still need to travel an other 22-25 kms , not knowing whether to go forward or go backward and wait for next train?.

We met a passerby who told us that the next station was not all that far, so we went ahead hoping that the next station is not all that far, we walked for nearly 10 - 15mins, then almost we were on the gate of the railway station , u see a train coming towards the coming station , the train went and almost was about to reach the station. On seeing this we ran behind the train on the middle of the tracks for about 200 metres(now this is an adventure right !!) , and finally when it was about to leave , caught the train at the last moment.:).

Finally reached the destination station . So this time it was train - bus- train journey. :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

India's world cup squad

Well Cricket world cup is around the corner in WestIndies , and the buze in India is who will make up the final 15. After all the expermentation , now the time has come to choose the final 15, it is expected the BCCI will decide it by next couple of weeks.
Anyway , i have come with my own list of 15 individuals , lets see how much it matches to that of BCCI's.
The order is shown below
1:Virendar Sehwag
2:Robin Uthappa
3:Sourav Ganguly
4:Rahul Dravid(C)
5:Sachin Tendulkar
6:Yuvraj Singh
7:Mahendar Singh Dhoni(WC)
8:Anil Kumble
9:Harbhajan Singh
10:Zaheer Khan
11:Ajit Agarkar
12:Irfan Pathan
13:Dinesh Karthick
14: Romesh Powar

Munaf Patel might just make it ,by replacing Irfan Pathan or SreeSanth ,but i think it's case of 50:50.Mohamed Kaif might just be instead of Dinesh Karthick , but it 's again 50:50.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Can't solve the problem change it

This image will give u a good laugh. Enjoy :-). Obtained from one of the email forwards.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Changing Indian Market

Well, well !! today which ever newsprint or electronic media you refer to , it talks about the India's economic growth. Some of them headlines you commonly see or hear India shining, India rising, Sensex touches new high, Buisness growing and not to forget outsourcing and IT /ITES sectors growing , IT players doing well etc etc.
The Investors , analysts talk about the good times, markets reaching new levels, India becoming superpower by 2010, India poised to overtake China etc.
All of these predictions seems to be holding true, one can clearly see the difference in spending expenditure among the society by comparing the last 10 years or so. I personally can remember quite a few .
The essential items such as vegetables where used to come around for quite a cheap price say onion ,tomato and potatoes used to linger around 4 to 10 Rs , and very rarely rise above this limit. Hotels were few in number , and not much crowding used to take place. Only sundays were the days were people generally preferred eating out.No disco , pubs etc where visible .The small buisness men were doing well because of less competition ,real estate prices where not so high or very low, but land in suburbs used to come at the lower price. Not much traffic jams or pollution. Having a car or a AC was considered luxury. People or relatives used to meet frequently , generally people or more precise the middle class where contended . The earned money was spent on essentials like food and education. But i remember education was beginning to get costlier but still in limits . Computers where with quite few, mobiles where unheard of and so on.
And now, fat packages say an IT pro gets 20K per month, 20K salary was unthinkable say 15 years back. Hotels becoming overcrowded on almost all days, pubs or discos becoming visible , too much cars on road, pollution getting worse day by day. The small business men closing their shops because of intense competition and the money power with big players.Getting admission in schools is increaslingly tough leave alone the exorbitant fees.Computers becoming essential, and not to forget the ever burgeoning real estate prices , especially the suburbs becoming costlier . Nowadays if you go to vegetable vendor a onion ot tomato or potato will cost you arpund 16 to 30 Rs an kilo.
So, it is true that their seems to be economic boom , but also along with it is the 'problem' boom . So , is it India shining or India problem shining.In reality , earnings to expenditure ration remains the same , so what is the shine about??

Monday, January 15, 2007


Oh my mind calm down,
contemplate on the self,
days and nights have passed ,
still the desires drives us all around.

Let us take the divine name,
and be immersed on it,
this will nourish us with joy and calmness,
and realise our true self.

Life is fragile as a earthen pot,
never know when it might crumble,
cycles of death and misery,
have come and gone,now is the time to act.

Let us have faith in the revered teacher,
asking him for his blessings,
company of sages and devotees,
will surely lead us to the goal.

Gandhi controversy

The word Gandhigiri had a huge impact on India last year, the word being coined from the film 'Laga Raho Munnabhai'. The movie was an instant success , become popular all over. The Indian media had also played a part in the movie's success. The role of the media in contempary India is huge, but will discuss it later.

On coming on Bapuji's subject as he is affectionately called , a controversy was sparked recently because of an offensive video done by an Indian living in U.S.It shows Gandhi in bad manner , although i have just read it from reports,and have not seen it.He is shown as a person firing Ak-47 rifle , showing knives to the people, flirting and doing vulgar dance etc. I couldnt believe that an Indian was behind in making this video.

But that's how India is, unity among people is less in social and political issues , unlike , most other countries where a larger to life figure is respected and reverred amongst their people.

Well , i also have seen another video of Gandhi , from an italian communication company , which shows the importance of Mahatma.This ad also won the EPICA awards for the best ad.

You can watch the ad here

Sunday, January 14, 2007


HappyMakar Sankranthi and Pongal Greetings to all!!

It is an onset of Spring season from today , and, according to hindu belief uttarayan starts from today.It is amazing that the hindu religion has a lot of festivities throughout the year,and , remember not one out of the forty festivities is related to sadness and grief. All the forty fesitivities in this religion speak about happiness, calmness , reaching the utilmate goal , sharing etc etc; unlike other religions where there are some events of festivities related to grief.

The hindu religion believes on the principles of advaita vedanta. It is a deep rooted and scientific based philosphy which states that neither u or me or anyone dies. That is why when great hindu gods such as lord Krishna , lord Rama , etc shed their mortal body , it was not considered as grief to an learned and intellectual men.

The essence of all the festivals is to drive u r mind to realise the omnipresent one.Finally , would like to end with a Kabir doha

Jaise Til Mein Tel Hai, Jyon Chakmak Mein Aag
Tera Sayeen Tujh Mein Hai, Tu Jaag Sake To Jaag

Like seed contains the oil, fire in flint stone
Your temple seats the Divine, realize if you can


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Serial Killings in Noida

The new year has started with a real bad news with the reports of Noida killings. Report come that more than 30 children and still counting have been brutally murdered and buried in Nithari village in Noida.

Reports of children missing frequently from this village and surroundings was well known to the police authorities and the local administration , but still no action what so ever was taken.The reason seems quite obvious ,police and the administration being corrupted by the killers , some high political influence, and since villagers who are mainly poor, being neglected by policemen.

It's real shame that a dastardly act has taken place , and the current Mulayam Singh's government has to be blamed completely. His party the samajwadi party knows how to please the minorities, how to utilize dalits and minorities for vote bank politics, how to attract actor and actresses to their campaign , all these for the sake of power.

Once elections are over , you can see the real faces of these worthless politicians. Indulging in grabbing of vast lands , swindling crores of rupees and putting them in their accounts, going in high parties.Mr.Amar Singh high profile politician of the same party is a well known fact in all these.

Those involved in this henious act directly or indirectly must be dealth severly , the centre should act in an swift and just manner without getting influenced even it be that some congress politicains might also be in it.

The whole nation shows sympathy towards the families of those whose children were killed , let us assure them that justice shall prevail.