Saturday, January 06, 2007

Serial Killings in Noida

The new year has started with a real bad news with the reports of Noida killings. Report come that more than 30 children and still counting have been brutally murdered and buried in Nithari village in Noida.

Reports of children missing frequently from this village and surroundings was well known to the police authorities and the local administration , but still no action what so ever was taken.The reason seems quite obvious ,police and the administration being corrupted by the killers , some high political influence, and since villagers who are mainly poor, being neglected by policemen.

It's real shame that a dastardly act has taken place , and the current Mulayam Singh's government has to be blamed completely. His party the samajwadi party knows how to please the minorities, how to utilize dalits and minorities for vote bank politics, how to attract actor and actresses to their campaign , all these for the sake of power.

Once elections are over , you can see the real faces of these worthless politicians. Indulging in grabbing of vast lands , swindling crores of rupees and putting them in their accounts, going in high parties.Mr.Amar Singh high profile politician of the same party is a well known fact in all these.

Those involved in this henious act directly or indirectly must be dealth severly , the centre should act in an swift and just manner without getting influenced even it be that some congress politicains might also be in it.

The whole nation shows sympathy towards the families of those whose children were killed , let us assure them that justice shall prevail.

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