Sunday, January 21, 2007

Changing Indian Market

Well, well !! today which ever newsprint or electronic media you refer to , it talks about the India's economic growth. Some of them headlines you commonly see or hear India shining, India rising, Sensex touches new high, Buisness growing and not to forget outsourcing and IT /ITES sectors growing , IT players doing well etc etc.
The Investors , analysts talk about the good times, markets reaching new levels, India becoming superpower by 2010, India poised to overtake China etc.
All of these predictions seems to be holding true, one can clearly see the difference in spending expenditure among the society by comparing the last 10 years or so. I personally can remember quite a few .
The essential items such as vegetables where used to come around for quite a cheap price say onion ,tomato and potatoes used to linger around 4 to 10 Rs , and very rarely rise above this limit. Hotels were few in number , and not much crowding used to take place. Only sundays were the days were people generally preferred eating out.No disco , pubs etc where visible .The small buisness men were doing well because of less competition ,real estate prices where not so high or very low, but land in suburbs used to come at the lower price. Not much traffic jams or pollution. Having a car or a AC was considered luxury. People or relatives used to meet frequently , generally people or more precise the middle class where contended . The earned money was spent on essentials like food and education. But i remember education was beginning to get costlier but still in limits . Computers where with quite few, mobiles where unheard of and so on.
And now, fat packages say an IT pro gets 20K per month, 20K salary was unthinkable say 15 years back. Hotels becoming overcrowded on almost all days, pubs or discos becoming visible , too much cars on road, pollution getting worse day by day. The small business men closing their shops because of intense competition and the money power with big players.Getting admission in schools is increaslingly tough leave alone the exorbitant fees.Computers becoming essential, and not to forget the ever burgeoning real estate prices , especially the suburbs becoming costlier . Nowadays if you go to vegetable vendor a onion ot tomato or potato will cost you arpund 16 to 30 Rs an kilo.
So, it is true that their seems to be economic boom , but also along with it is the 'problem' boom . So , is it India shining or India problem shining.In reality , earnings to expenditure ration remains the same , so what is the shine about??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.