Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Washington Memories - 1

I have been in Washington(WA) for 1.5 years now and may be leaving this place by End of May this year , going back to my hometown Chennai,TN India.There are lots of things to say about this place , i have thoroughly enjoyed staying here.I wish i could continue staying here , but then destiny has something to offer.

Washington has lot of climatic changes based on seasons which can be easily visualized , be it the gloomy dark winters where the sunsets happened around 3 PM at the afteroo nons or the brightful summers where the sunlight lasted till 9 PM at the evening or the pleasant spring season where there was a breath of new life after gloomy winters or the colorful fall season where you could enjoy the different colors seen in and around nature. I never had many complaints , i just used to enjoy WA nature in all its glory.

The snow mountains or the blue colored rivers , the dense forests or the beaches , greenary was painted everywhere in this state. I think it was also called the evergreen state.

I made new friends , and met some special people who were like my true elder brothers and sisters to me. I had lot of interactions with people during work , learned few things like cooking and driving and lived life which was different and learning for me.

More in next blog.........

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