Monday, November 23, 2009

In India and some rumblings

Back to Blogging after long time !! I returned to India on mid August this year after staying for 20 months in WA USA.

Well it was mixed reactions coming to India on one hand i was missing the serene and scenic washington and ofcourse dollars :) but on the other hand was happy to be in India to be among my parents , relatives , few old friends and amongst Indians in general. The hustle and bustle you find in India was missing in seattle.

I am an optimist to the core who believes everything happens for a reason which may not be known now but always believe all the things happening in our life is for the good.Hence no regrets !!

Its that time in my life , where i will need to make many important decisions in my life. I am man of many ambitions , want to be a good java architect and for this will need to do lot of preparations for it .Want to do or start business ,but do not have a clue on what ?Maybe Retail ? and also finance aspect needs to be considered.

One depressing thing seen in India is people struggling for food ,poverty is still relevant here. Its something we Indians must do as an moral responsibility to ensure we help our fellow Indians to come up in life and have better standards of living . There is a saying bookhe pet bhajan nahin hoye! Hence if i am able to contribute by some means i will be happy .

One most impt decision is marriage. When ? time will tell.

Bye for now.

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