Friday, December 18, 2009

More Poems

Well me in office , got bored of same work hence tried to indulge in some poetry ;) . So here u go. Let me know if you like them :).

Poem 1:

Oh my mind, dive deep for there in lies the treasure;
years of life have passed ,but still you are occupied in leisure;
as you get older , do you think u will have strength which can measure?
hence why waste the youth in you now, and wisely put your efforts to seek the infinite treasure!!

Poem 2:

when the sun nourishes us daily untiringly,
and where plenty of fresh air avia'ble to breath.

water from various sources replenishes us endlessly,
and earth providing us all essential materials to meet.

why worry?

All glory to mother nature!

Poem 3:

Crystal Clear sky , and a cool flowing breeze .
silence in the air , on a splendid full moon night,
oh my mind , why ponder aimlessly ? when there is so much to enjoy !

Will add more if possible........bye for now.

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